Thursday, October 05, 2006

My Results

Guess what i did better than the previous sem my total GPA actually went up by 0.02 lolx...


dEaRdAnIeL said...

boo! i've been MIA for quite some time from ur blog. Haha, cuz my com's still spoiled (1mth+ already). Can only use sis's com when she's not in. O_o thx for ur tag and here's mine! =D

Anonymous said...

omg you have bad grades. haha :P bad kid! study more! i never get Cs!

dEaRdAnIeL said...

omg... its steven the genius! XD eh... i still rem... JACKETS!! Oops. *Zip mouth*

DeNnIs_梁wEi聰 , ShUu said...

linces who are u ? haha hey a C+ is better than getting a D. hahaha