Thursday, March 15, 2007

Hair & U Vol 5: Eye browns

Okie hair is not only on your head , It may refer to different sections of hair on your body. This time we have a focus on man's Eye brown. Some gals think one of the pointers that they look out for in a guy is his eyebrown which will suit his eyes. Triming the eyebrown is not gay, it is to make yourself presentable and neater. Some examples are here on how to trim your eye brown. -The type of eyebrowns-
-How do you start-

-How to darken it-

-Good Looking ones from Japan-
-An Expamle of an over grown eye brown -

Q&A: How much hair lost a day is consider a normal for 1 person: It is normal for someone to drop 30 -50 strends of hair perday but if its alot and more than that, see attention from your hairstylist they may tell u to use some products. If it is serious see a doctor. I will cover on hair lost soon be on the look out

1 comment:

DeNnIs_梁wEi聰 , ShUu said...

hmmmm steven lim lolx.omg don't wana imagine. haha eye brown can DIY. Well you can try along tangs orchard i think they charge.