Tuesday, November 14, 2006

My Last day as being 18

Being 18 is one of the most beautiful growing period that i have went through. Through this year i have went thru the happiest moments in life and the saddest moments in life. I lost as much as i gain.

My 18th year journey remembered as
1. Working for 3 companies ( Pasta, WalletShop & RSH)
2. Found a Japanese family
3. Losing many close ones
4. Bad teeth
5. Busiest year ever went thru
6. Went through the most painful relationships
7. Most Tears shed compared to recent years
8. Bought 3 pairs of shoes
9. Spent most of my time in School
10. The least amount of msg sent

A thought from my heart:
Tomorrow is a new day and its another milestone of life, just that i will get a little older . Forget those painful ones and remember those good times, don bring on the pain to your next year. Forgive those that was hated cherish those who are around you. Wounds heals and scars remains , every time as you fall you just get stronger. The most important thing of all, be true to yourself and the people around you.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! :)

Jer said...

Happy 19th Birthday~!~!

dEaRdAnIeL said...

haha, your tagboard disappeared? O_o Oh well, im here anw. and u didn't reply my happybday sms. =,= nvm =D