Saturday, February 11, 2006

Dying Moments

Hmm I have not been blogging recently due to my asignments lately. sob sob T.T . As usual i am suffering with bad hair everyday during this period. Every day it look very shabby , i need to chop it off soon 1 day.

Guess what, i designed that model above, and its made by me ,yi xiang and choon wei. I remembered how desprate i was when I did this , calling them down to help me. Have pretty good comments thanks guys.

Hmm but again i taught that i may consider a course transfer. i just wander what kind of design i will be intrested in.

Worst of all i am now have a flu and a fever, while doing all this torchlight that we have to summit on monday.Aww anthing worst than this?


Anonymous said...

jia you....


gwenny :) said...

hey! yah yah, a very good thing to chop off ur hair. while u're at it, why not chop off ur head too?! haha. not a bad idea ehh?

Anonymous said...

you need a straightener :)

DeNnIs_梁wEi聰 , ShUu said...

there goes my head and hair ... i guess i will not be able to afford 1.hahaha